This website is dedicated to Davena Liepman, Honorary President National. Ms. Liepman vision to start the National Society Descendants of American Farmers was to honor American farmers for their giant contributions to the success of the United States.

Davena Rigel Liepman,
NSDOAF Founder
Reflections on NSDOAF's History
by Davena Liepman, and Janisue Rigel
February 17, 2019, six friends met for lunch at California Pizza, in The Woodlands, Texas. One suggested that they start a new society to help feed children in school. Janisue Rigel mentioned that her sister Davena, and herself, had been talking about starting a farmers society, for three years.
Davena Liepman could not believe that American farmers were not being honored, especially when they are so vital to our country. She recognized that they are frequently, under appreciated. Davena had a vision to develop a society that would honor American farmers of the past, present and future.
Each person agreed that 'farmers' was a good idea, and they all agreed that Janisue had to be the president.
Of the six at lunch, five were founders: Janisue Rigel, Davena Rigel Liepman, Geni Holmes, Cindy Broderick and Dianne Taylor Kibodeaux.
Ten days later, Janisue had the EIN number and started a Facebook group. With that, word about the new society spread, and within two short years, the society had over 1,000 members from all over the United States.
Founded: March 5, 2019
-Founding President National, Janisue Rigel
-Founding Registrar National, Davena Rigel-Liepman
-Founding Executive Board Members:
17 national officers, 3 advisory counselors
Served from 2019-2021
Founding Members:
Janisue Rigel, President National
Davena Rigel Liepman, Registrar National
Cynthia Broderick, First Vice President National
Ashley Naumann, Second Vice President National
Roaslind Grenfell, Third Vice President National
Patricia Gallagher, Fourth Vice President National
Jolene Dodge, Fifth Vice President National
Ora Jane Johnson, Corresponding Secretary National
Geni Sauro Holmes, Recording Secretary National
Deborah Jean Kelley, Treasurer National
Tammy Mansfield, Historian National
Dianne Taylor-Kebodeaux, Chaplain National
Amye Meyer, Librarian National
William Flynn Martin, Curator National
Andyrea Mahon, Counselor National
James William Griffith, Counselor National
John Beard, Counselor National
Carla Lucille Whitehurst Odom, Advisor
Charles Robert Odom, Advisor
Deborah Whitmore Hicks, Advisor
Founding Charter Members:
Mary-Claire Beard, Treasurer National
Jan Johnpier, Librarian National
Sandy Bassett, Historian National
These members are known as the Founding Members of the National Society Descendants of American Farmers. Their membership numbers are Founder 1-20, with the exception of the last three who were appointed to the Founding Board shortly thereafter to fill vacancies due to board resignations. These three members are known as Founding Charter Members.
Charter membership opened and ran through December 31, 2019. Charter membership numbers are C1-C919. There after, Regular Membership opened.

Janisue Rigel
Founding President

Davena Rigel-Liepman
Founding Registrar

The original sketch design of the NSDOAF Insignia was created by Devena Liepman, Founder.

June 2019: President National Rigel, Registrar National Liepman and the Hon. William F. Martin meet at the United States Department of Agriculture to make arrangements for the 2020 National Caucus.
Founding Executive Board

First National Caucus: 7 April 2019
Washington, D.C.

First public display at the DAR State Conference in Austin, TX